Trust – The Difference Maker in Employer – Employee Motivation

Pundits wax eloquently about tangible and intangible motivators. From the hefty bonuses granted to wall street brokers, to the turkeys provided the rank and file at holiday time, analysts attempt to quantify the return on employers’ investments.
The authors of these white papers use a variety of spurious metrics in attempting to quantify positive gains in productivity, attendance and morale. Additionally they point to reductions in errors, scrap, and employee turnover.
Sales people who specialize in service awards and productivity trinkets lead CEO’s to believe their wares are the nirvana in motivational tools.
When receiving an award, the employee puffs out their chest, smiles broadly and feels momentarily proud. Monetary bonuses garner employee loyalty and dedication in the short term. The reciprocal benefit for the employer is fleeting. At the occurrence of the next stressful event such as an argument with their manager, the employee’s value proposition of the award diminishes rapidly.
The foundation of ALL employee motivation is trust. Not quantifiable, touchable, or testable, the complex spirits of trust permeate every aspect of employee transactions. A complex, enduring combination of respect, belief, honesty, commitment, faith, mutual reliance, confidence, trust is all encompassing.
Yes, I am talking about spirits, as in plural. An Ethernet type of gas, trust swirls in and around individuals and groups as they interact. There is an ebb and flow .. with permanence the goal of motivating leaders.
Trust is difficult to attain, or indeed obtain. When lost, the glue which helped cement a relationship together may be lost forever. Like a house on the beach succumbing to the slow yet relentless tide, trust can wash out to sea. Regaining trust is possible. A slow, arduous journey but well worth the risk.
When cultivated and fertilized, trust adds immeasurable value to a business relationship. With time, trust is the catalyst which keeps people together and makes life worth living. In a corporate environment, trust enables leaders to lead. Imbued with trust, employees will become fully engaged and committed to the company’s goals. An example of this is the commitment of employees in times of a crises such as the Manhattan project… endless hours spurred on by the trust scientists had in their leadership.
The development and maintenance of esprit de corps are not possible without trust. The payment of bonuses and gold watches are of little consequence. People will not commit themselves to risk their personal psychological bank account for a cause or a leader in whom they do not believe. Make no mistake, trust comes from the inners of our souls.
On the other hand, trust is possible in a atmosphere of honesty, consistency, and faith in each other.
Trust is a human not material value. You know it when you feel it.
Contact Bob Handwerk at for more coaching information

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