Competition –To Win or Avoid Losing

There are many theories and conjectured analysis about “ competition”. 

These are a fewthoughts and indeed conjectures.

Is the spirit of competition inherited or is it an environmental factor?

Does it matter?

A former quarterback for the Philadelphia Eagles  related that he is highly

competitive because of an insatiable  need to be 1st – to be recognized, to be

the best at whatever he attempts to do in life: athletically, social status,

 financially. Life revolves around  the 24/7 conquest of winning …everything-

every time

 The challenge is a core focus.

The emphasis on being a champion is one of his earliest childhood memories.

To lose at board games, or sports  was always unacceptable in the household.

Anything less than total victory was unacceptable..  Rewards for “trying” , or

being a good teammate were nonexistent.

You either won or lost – finishing 2nd or 3rd was considered a failure. Taking

“prisoners” of those whom you defeated – unconscionable !

 Long faces, glowering looks, furrowed brows all accompanied family diatribes.

 Epic stories, like those of ancient Greeks  about family heroes in business, war

and on the baseball diamond– he knew what was coming if his team lost – and

he was the starting pitcher.

No pain no gain: risk has its rewards- these and dozen s of similar platitudes

filled the conversation over dinner.

Victory carried with it family accolades: promises of better things to come:

hugs, cheers, calls from relatives near and far.  Each step up the corporate or

financial ladder earned a grand celebration – and anticipation of even greater

triumphs in the future.

 He was groomed to be a competitive champion on the fields of Eden as the

English proclaim.

In a different setting,,  there are individuals who compete in order not to lose.

A type of life long  preventive defense.   Deploying their talents and skills,

these individuals perform  at a level designed to   avoid finishing last and avoid

  being embarrassed. Failure is to be avoided at all costs.  Winning is not a

moral imperative. Indeed, how does one relate to others

who you have competed against – and defeated them?…. Such an awkward

moment in time.

Finishing a contest, maintaining a struggling friendship, being financially

stable are victories  – a challenge met, a  competition won. Being invisible in

  the middle of the pack,   safe, secure.  minimizing risk of any type or

dimension ;these are desired outcomes.

 Being a secure follower is seen as being comfortable and safe. The rewards

accrued are in line with risks taken and Individual psychic capital expended. 

 A guiding philosophy is “to get along, go along”.

An advantage that the chance of failure is minimized .. life is comfortable, 

predictable,  and generally without the dramatic emotional ups and downs of

those who take risks.

 Looking cautiously forward with a reliance on past events is preferred to

experimenting outside of ones social class or educational peers.

Competition is a caricature with many faces, voices and personalities.

Both of these approaches to competition have a common DNA  -> they  are

conscious choices.

As such they can be changed or modified.   Not easily, but modification is


From a competitive viewpoint – who are you and is that whom you want to be?

Where is Your Starting Line?

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