Nike walking shoes carry the urban trekker from prairie grass

Into the edges of the emerging woodlot.

The unusual combination of hardwoods, evergreens and palms

again amazes and confuses him..  as does so much of mystical nature.

In his last walk the diamond shaped sun spots danced off the

leaves of tiny red maple trees.  The light was an usual combination

of yellow and peach.

This third dimensional presence remained  in place: he walks ahead.

Stomach churning in anticipation,  beads of newly created sweat on his brow,

 he slowly inches forward, one cautious step at a time.

Quiet: dark:  local birds in residence are talking with each other.

The woodlot seems to be  a world unto its self.

The light briefly appears from the north.  Not east or west? The north?

Has the earth deviated from its axis?  Wrens  swirl about disoriented, confused.

Some flying into the trunks of trees and then dropping to the forest floor.

Yet our traveler is entirely at peace.  A calmness envelopes him.

His  stomach is quiet.  Beads of sweat dry and disappear. Worries

exit from his psyche.

What is this power that effects birds and animals but not our human friend?

Are we indeed one with nature?  What if that is no longer true?

Mind stretching – this questions a basic tenant.

What if there are multiple creators?  What if our ecosystems are both interdependent

and independent?  What if humans are not the superior beings on earth?

The questions give him pause. Peering  into the mirror of creation is good for the soul.

The light follows then leads our intrepid hiker.  Where will it lead?

Is there another strange ecosystem broaching the swamp we are approaching?

Is this a voluntary walk? An act of free will?

We search for a known frame of reference  – is the light real – or a creation of our imagination?

A dream facing us when we are awake? An illusion?

The temptation to explain away the phenomena as imaginary,

Illusionary, or the product of derangement  overcome our determination to block

out all thought and conjecture.

When we quantitatively  evaluate forces of creation which are outside our established

tradition, beliefs and cultures we are forced to examine ourselves in a new

light.  Some times illusionary.  Some times with trepidation.

Thoughts, ideas, concepts cling to our psyche forever.  They

are part of our eternal being.  Be courageous, take the risk, permit

the light in the forest to lead you to the heretofore  unknown world

of the third dimension. God is watching you.

A walk in the third dimension

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