Words leaping off the keyboard: mesmerized

by Delta Blues.

Lyrics filled with the gutteral stories of struggle,

Survival and life’s tensions:

Timeless, ageless, wrapped in a culture of plantation

Experiences : understood by some, appreciated by all.

A musical collage of life’s stories.

A palette of sounds for life’s seekers…whomever you may be.

The search for individual peace and calm is

universal across time, space, and geography. The Blues

provide a reflective voice when the noise of life is

a cacophony of directionless sound.

The  trek becomes more urgent as the

hour hands on the West Minister clock inexorably

travels its 360 degree journey each and every day.

Days pass, years accumulate.  The grim reaper awaits.

Scythe in hand: Eyes at the ready.

An individual journey whose map into the future is

guided by our own inner GPS … going where?

Twists and turns are as buffet offerings slapped on a platter?

No, options are deeply rooted in our choices of yesterday,

of yesteryear.  The fabric of our choices are sewn together

as in a handmade Amish stocking carpet:  each decision adding to

the fabric’s strength, color, and size.  To undo any of the intricate

panels is to disrupt the quilt’s essence – and thus tear our

past asunder .

Our inner psyche becomes unrecognizable.

The nimble fingers of the skilled artisan attaches one stocking to

another – using artistic magic to create their own masterpiece.

Each stitch an individual choice: decision.

And so it is as we wend our way through life’s  daily opportunities:

 We are responsible for each step we take: decision we choose.

Like the maestro composing the blues: the seamstress creating

a masterpiece..  our decisions are influenced by those who have

gone before.

The quiet interludes we choose to have : or ignore with our God

follow the West Minister time piece as we evolve into our full being.

Like the clock, we can rewind, reset, and recalibrate who we are and

what we believe … when and if we choose to do so.

 Amish artistry

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