Grey/ white heads:  colored hair: bald  guys:

 The view from the rear of the auditorium

Reminiscent of an AARP convention.

Aging couples: widows and widowers.


In their midst she sat alone, quiet, at peace.

Her husband died suddenly a year ago.

Molden, bend at the shoulders she blended in

Unnoticed, unassuming, expressionless.


It is said that Christ comes to us when we are least expecting

Be alert, for He may come at any time.


This quiet woman had requested the song

“My Cup Runneth Over” be played at her husband’s funeral.

The troubadour, with his wife seated beside him, did the honors again.


Grey hairs, sat and listened, attentively, respectfully.

A “sound of silence” air filled the gathered audience.

Emotionless, eyes front just like we learned in the military.

The song proceeded with a lively yet pensive air until..

“We grow old together and the earth grows cold”


There is Christ again talking to all of us as we walk

Closer to the sunset.. each day .. together.

Couples don’t look at each other… 

Too painful? Too embarrassed to admit our mortality

In public?

 Or too proud to admit that the emotions of the

song, reflective of a life time together is indeed accurate?


The click of the locking of the front door:  lights turn off:

Quilts are pulled over legs which have traveled miles together:

 Sniffling tears as couples snuggle together.

 The earth is getting cold..  the last chapter is being written.


An unassuming lady dressed in summer white has delivered

Another gift from Christ.. a song which only an angel can compose and sing.

Words linger.. He touches us.. and we walk on.. 


 Love Endures

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