Self centered, self rewarding, self promotion ..etc..

Several phrases to describe that most concentric of end of year

Activities – The New Years Resolution.

We all know the drill:

Lose weight,

Go to the gym regularly,

Get to work on time

Each and everyone is a worthwhile goal… and resolutions that we take seriously.

These goals are in concert with our New Year’s parties – designed to make us feel


We are celebrating the coming of another change in the calendar.

The uplifting spirit that comes with our success at attaining our goals is both

temporary and thin as a colorless veneer.


Two reasons – 1st the goals are  designed to give us self satisfaction : good idea –

but self satisfaction is only temporary – we buy a new car – then find we want a

replacement..  when the glass is full we seek

another source of joy and satisfaction…  always moving on …

A spiritually based Christian  axiom is that we gain more benefit when we provide

love and care to others than to ourselves.  For example, our inner satisfaction is a

deep, quiet reward when we see the sense of hope we have helped to create in the

eyes of a needy, lost person.  Without any thought of

personal reward we have helped a brother .

This unselfish act creates  ever growing compound interest in our own inner soul –

and like Mother Theresa – we help whom ever is in need without regard to those

with business or political connections who may pay us back for our kindness.

Yes, let’s make resolutions for 2013.  Resolutions to give of our time and talents to

help others before paying attention to ourselves.

God Bless!

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