We pause.  The plaintiff sounds of taps

reverberate from hamlet to city center.

Misty eyes.

Somber words from podiums spoke

remembering those who laid down their lives

to preserve our freedom.

Honor guards march with precision. Jaws squared,

Flags unfurled. Polished shoes glistening.

Barbeque grills and Bud six packs wait in the wings.

Where, where are the bodies of the dead unborn?

They have no headstones. No memorials, No national

day of remembrance.

Their voices – never heard.

Their talents never used. Their service to others a blank slate.

The lifelong pain of could have been mothers is

Intentionally hidden from public view. A topic unworthy of public discourse.

A fetus is not a child..say that three times while looking in the mirror

and  without choking.

What if ..yes what if, the mothers of our nation’s bravest who

are memorialized  had decided..yes what if they had chosen

abortion over life.  Who, yes who, would fight for our freedoms?

Have an answer? Tell it to God.

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