World War II Legacy Continues

Reflective multicolored pearls bounce skyward

Shimmering snow banks rejoice

Winter’s beauty arrives


A new beginning; January 2, 2016

Quietude in our small town

Five days since a drug bust

It could be worse.


Priests and preachers ruminate hopeful themes

This year will be better than last

Phone rings – our daughter calls: let the good times roll.

Politicians and pundits recover from hangovers.

College bands, cheerleaders: cheer for the home team.


Hope there is hope/

I scan Word press: clever writers probe the paranormal

Smiling, all is well.


Wearing my German heritage is a badge of honor

On time, precise, exact, we block out WWII.

Never again- a phrase oft repeated in our childhood.

Yes, shame runs through generations.

Ah, but this is 2016…


And then !! A bold headline jumps off the internet.

Turkey’s president “ Hitler had some good ideas”.

He brought organizational skills to government.


Yes, he designed the holocaust.


US government outrage – none

US media outrage – none

Presidential reaction – none


Neville Chamberlin lives.

Precursors of evil and death are here

We profess “ Never Again”

Bull Shit – the ghosts of 1939 are alive and well.

2 thoughts on “World War II Legacy Continues

  1. I am Dutch, living in the south east of the country, near the German border. You know what I think is on of the reasons that there is hardly any reaction on that statement of the Turkish President: How many times you read current situations compared with nazisme. Politicians, politics whatever. American media, politicians, Americans do it Al the time. In my opinion they have eroded the emotional frame of reference. In another forum, now closed, I made a post on that.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. You make a sad but valid point, and you make it adroitly in poetry. I had no idea, when I began to read, where the poem would take me but when I realised I felt you had established a most natural progression.


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