Talents are somewhat appreciated, understood, applauded.


Observers look at the external varnish  seeing superficial beauty

Unappreciative of complex artistry and cerebral gymnastics

Patrons groan oohs and ahhs as color schemes,

Lurid sunsets, mystical rainbows steal their superficial appreciation

of the muse talents in Apollo’s arena.


Fascinated by paranormal dimensions, engaged with 5th world cohorts

Ensconced in brightly lit third floor writers dens and palettes  askew

Driven to capture the fleeting clouds of inspiration

Delighted by thoughts talking in middle night séances

Sweating to encircle darting thoughts, sunset images

Six-eight –ten hours of never tiring genius

Van Gogh, Mayer, Shakespeare are always present

Always, Always

To capture the candle scent of the masters of yore is

A blessing in ones vein.


Watching the ghost of creativity walk away into the

Foggy canyons of smudged palletes is a muse denied.



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