Broadly smiling, engagingly confident, you motivate audiences.
Stories of family triumphs, business victories, successful negotiations.
The ability to mesmerize audiences is legendary.
Week after week you shared more and more of your life story.
Growing up in the leafy suburbs of north shore Chicago
Privilege, wealth, highly educated in private schools.

Behind the closed doors there was the specter of alcoholism, An enabling father who provided cover for your mother to drink. Jameson on the rocks in crystal tumblers began at noon each day.

All the while the legendary mercantile business prospers on Michigan Avenue.
High end jewelry: a travel service to Europe: leased airplanes at O’Hare.

All business and personal hurdles were brushed aside as you became the
revered CEO at Hartsfield, Inc. A major player in the design and sales of u
upscale women’s fashion. Your loyal employees shared in the profits, the fame, and the riches.

Presiding over meetings in the cavernous auditorium, you shared a bit of history.
And motivated employees with tips recommendations, and self help suggestions as to how to become bigger than life, how to see the goodness in their soul.

Slowly and deliberately over months and years you tell of your mother’s failing health. Her struggle with dementia.Not a word about the dreaded illness known as “ the drink”
This family history was in the past, a harsh memory, but one consigned to the closet.

So dear reader, want to be a charismatic leader? A role model for your employees?
Someone to whom the public gravitates towards and looks to for strength and inspiration?

A New York Yankee fan, our CEO subject, remembers her mother talking about Lou Gehrig.
The slugger who stood on the grounds that Ruth built and said goodbye on July 4, 1939.
Knowing that he was succumbing to the death of what is now known as Lou Gehrig’s disease.
An iconic hero, he is remembered for generations. Known as the Iron Horse for his durability, physically weak but staunchly resolute his courageous farewell speech before more than 61,000 follows.
“Fans, for the past two weeks you have been reading about the bad break I got. Yet today I consider myself the luckiest man on the face of the earth. I have been in ballparks for seventeen years and have never received anything but kindness and encouragement from you fans.
Look at these grand men. Which of you wouldn’t consider it the highlight of his career just to associate with them for even one day? Sure, I’m lucky. Who wouldn’t consider it an honor to have known Jacob Ruppert? Also, the builder of baseball’s greatest empire, Ed Barrow? To have spent six years with that wonderful little fellow, Miller Huggins? Then to have spent the next nine years with that outstanding leader, that smart student of psychology, the best manager in baseball today, Joe McCarthy? Sure, I’m lucky.
When the New York Giants, a team you would give your right arm to beat, and vice versa, sends you a gift — that’s something. When everybody down to the groundskeepers and those boys in white coats remember you with trophies — that’s something. When you have a wonderful mother-in-law who takes sides with you in squabbles with her own daughter — that’s something. When you have a father and a mother who work all their lives so that you can have an education and build your body — it’s a blessing. When you have a wife who has been a tower of strength and shown more courage than you dreamed existed — that’s the finest I know.
So I close in saying that I might have been given a bad break, but I’ve got an awful lot to live for. Thank you.”
— Lou Gehrig at Yankee Stadium, July 4, 1939[49]

Imagine the strength it took to deliver this farewell address!
Like Lou Gehrig, others follow you – almost a cult. They come to you with their secrets, their stories of success and personal distress. After all, you are perceived to have an endless capacity for empathy, and heartfelt understanding: two characteristics of successful leaders.
They look to you as the perfect leader: One whose speeches and writings are internalized, discussed, chatted about in high society and by the Red Hat ladies.

Through it all, you have been able to keep a bit aloof while protecting yourself. Maintaining that necessary tiny bit of space between you and the public, you and employees,.

Vulnerability has been part of what you shared. That openness which others see as trust. That incalculable chemical molecule with which most identify.
Your son, yes you have discussed the travails of your son from time to time. His autism. His struggles with other children. How you strive to keep him comfortable and happy. But his decline – only a hint here and there.

There is a rumor that his health is rapidly deteriorating to the point of no return. That his continuing illness is causing a rift in your “perfect” marriage. But you have been stalwart, and strong, and just led the board of directors through the sterling financials for the last quarter. Profits are up 18%.
The Wall Street Journal sings your praises. Stockholders are in awe. To the world life is perfect.
So you want to be a charismatic leader? Leadership requires “ speaking to the truth as Neale Walsch writes in “ Conversations with God”.

Here they sit. Three Hundred Fifty expectant men and women. Eager for your quarterly message
of hope, inspiration, and life-sustaining theories. Knowing you have brought the firm through the recession. Knowing you will provide for them in many ways, large and small.
Be strong , you say to yourself. You got where you are through hubris, knowledge, and superior self
control. Strong on the outside: stronger on the inside.
You’ve spoken with Elizabeth Edwards. Hilary Clinton, Geraldine Ferraro. All who overcame the impossible – and retained their public integrity. Here you are – with an expectant audience.
Lou Gehrig walked away.. so weak he could not hold the goodbye gift presented by fans and teammates..
Where is my inner strength whispers the voice inside of your head.
The introductions are over: the crowd comes to their feet as one large wave. Cheering as you reach the
podium. Waiting for good news. Waiting for that magic they have seen in you for 15 years.
Deep breath: knees knocking: shoulders back: eyes focused on your loyal assistant in the front row- only she has seen the struggle behind the curtain and knows something is rotten in Denmark.

You thank the team for their loyalty: how they have made the Company great and then share Power
Point graphs illustrating the successful 1st quarter. You have stalled, procrastinated, bobbed and weaved. It is time to tell them. Alex, your son died last night, Timothy your husband left town on a
business trip – and was seen in West Palm Beach with another woman, and yes you have cervical cancer.

The imperfect tri fact a. A leave of absence- yes you are leaving for an indefinite period of time.
There is an audible gasp: Silence: Tears: employees reluctant to look at each other – so uncomfortable.
You have gone where many have failed. You stayed faithful to your implicit promise to employees which is to tell the truth .. always. To trust them .. and for them to trust you.
Leadership is about raising expectations. This includes the honesty of transparency and the risk of being vulnerable.
Hubris and knowledge catapulted you to the corner office. Do you have that something extra of transparency and vulnerability which sets you apart.? Leadership has its rewards and risks.

My question to all of you leaders – are you willing to walk the walk ? To share who you are, what you value, and embrace employees when they care about you and your life?


Inner Strength and Outward Brawn

A typical mid week afternoon at the neighborhood Starbucks.
Laptops being gently tapped as sales figures are calculated,
University students concentrating on Philosophy 101 texts,
Subdued business types patiently stand in line to place their order.
For that necessary caffeine fix before the next client meeting.
The omnipresent wait staff caters attentively to the downtown elite.
Business as usual …almost.

In she walked. Briefcase in hand. Gliding with a purpose.
Headed for her place in the queue.
Laptop users peered surreptitiously over the screens:
Students and business men tried, not very successfully, to be coy as they furtively
glanced in her direction.
People in the to be served line turned in her direction.
Wait staff paused, took a deep breath, and looked at each other.
There is a palpable change in the restaurant’s air.

Drop dead beautiful. From head to toe:
Elegant, classy, sensuous with business perfect attire out of a Vogue magazine.
Jewelry from Tiffany’s and leather from Ferragamo.
Yes, she literally stopped traffic in this store… and ….

What about her causes the world come to attention in her presence?
Unpretentious, confident, aware of her beauty, aware of her charisma.
A smile here, eye contact there, she is in command of her environment.
Commanding attention, admiration, and respect in a quiet non assuming manner.

What creates this very unique and non defined aura?
Her inner strength is self created. Beauty can be skin deep: grace is learned
And practiced: Her inner strength is a platform she developed to become her own
Personage. Being blessed by the Gods is a gift and can be a burden.
A life long reservoir of inner strength enables her to have the presence to fend off
Those who would use her beauty for their advantage: Not always an easy choice:
Sometimes packaged in a very subtle, avaricious manner: Her inner strength places
Self worth above monetary and temporary emotional gain.
With these gifts come expectations. The inner strength to be respected for who she is.
The charisma she creates is the product of inner strength.
Knowing oneself – inner strength – and publicly displaying your inner values is a rare talent.

This glimpse into her life is just that – a glimpse. Her beauty, charisma,
Charm, emotional intelligence is a constant and follows her 24/7. The strength to leverage her gifts
With an elegant air, while avoiding the condescension of being an effete snob is
An awesome achievement.

Her outward brawn is evident from an uncanny composure. Brawny to communicate, without
Speaking, an unspoken toughness that demands respect. from the masses is a story unto itself .
With every purposeful, feminine step, there is a sense of notice
me, I am unique, and I know it.. treat me as a special person, not a sex object or a clothes tree.
A smile – you bet: Eyes glazed over – you bet. But her outward brawn, perfected no doubt since her
teens, lifts her above the norm.
She possesses the Cleopatra syndrome: beauty, elegance, and strength . A refined strength inside
and out . Inner Strength known only to her: brawn cloaked in a guise of many dimensions.
Strength, beauty, self understanding – a powerful chemical mixture.


As smart as a fox: strong as an ox: sly as a snake.. what do these have in common? Obviously they are our attempts to describe a human characteristic through a member of the animal kingdom. Each in our own way, we relate to these word pictures. A singular characteristic with which we can identify.
Are you any of the above?
A friend has described the world-class Arabian horse as possessing ‘INWARD STRENGTH AND
In its dictionary sense, brawn is all about muscles. A sense of power. Sometimes brawn is used in the context of a street fighter . Other times that of a professional athlete, body builder, perhaps a statue of David type .
Yes, outward brawn is genetic Can brawn be trained, developed, nurtured – absolutely. The street fighter context uses the muscularity for dominance and survival. It’s the me or thee knife fight in the alleys. Interestingly, brawn is a characteristics used in corporate board rooms where taller, stronger people are most likely to be promoted rather than smaller executives.
Brawny individuals make a choice at some point. They use this masculinity  to influence, attract, and conquer ( sexually ,in the work setting, or politically) or to dominate others in a more destructive sense. The Arabian horse stock referred to above, has been bred to use the muscularity to become one of the most desired equine in the world. Their every movement speaks of generations of brawn chromosomes being present in each muscle and sinew.
So it is with brawny human types. However, there is more. Corporate czars such as Warren Buffet and Carl Ichan: military types such as Robert Gates and Colin Powell, political icons like Lyndon Johnson and Nancy Pelosi were brawny, street fighter, muscular types in their own profession. They used inner strength and the force of their “ their presence” to prevail.
That is the word which brings power and results to brawn which is a parallel characteristic of the Arabian Horse and forceful humanoids – PRESENCE.
Inward strength is a complex combination of chemistry and human will. More than the capacity to defend oneself or parry the slings and arrows of misfortune, it is also emotional intelligence to use talents, ability, beauty, and intelligence to the greatest personal benefit.
Inward strength is NOT inward brawn. There is sophistication, sophistry, coyness, and cleverness combined to form a unique combination only known to its possessor. Others know that those with inward strength have “ something”. An intangible. A difficult to define characteristic. Admired, sometimes feared, inner strength is a genetic characteristic that can be expanded and developed.
Honed through adversity, intuition, and mental acuity, this person stands mentally taller than their peers. Takes charge of others and situations. At its pinnacle of adoption, inward strength manifests itself in personal relationships. Strong enough to define and get what they want, yet preserving their good name and the honor of others – sometimes only possible with an extra dose of human strength.

The ultimate inner stregth and outward brawn

Leadership Without A Compass

The spectacle of a captain less mega oil tanker aimlessly adrift in the Arctic’s environmentally
sensitive waters with millions of gallons of crude oil spewing forth into the pristine backwaters is almost unthinkable. Who can forget the images of oil coated waterfowl fighting for their lives after the Exxon Valdez spillage?
A few survived: strength, luck, and help from human care providers.
The parallel with leaderless leaders? Leaderless leaders?
While coaching management and owner teams, it has been a surprising discovery to find the number lacking a designated or even de facto captain. This void occurs within a partnership where neither party wants to assume responsibility for the executive roles. Other times, a legacy owner simply doesn’t want to lead the firm which has been handed down from a relative: or a husband/wife team grow a boot strap business and suddenly find they have a growing employee base, demanding customers, and supplier issues – but neither wants to be the CEO.
A surprising number of small and midsized firms have these “ leadership vacuums”. There is no acting, in charge president, or senior partner. The decision making buck stops – no where. Decisions are made in a collaborative mode. Translated, decisions are delayed or deferred. In the case of partnerships, both individuals may become masters of decision making avoidance.
They claim not to want to offend their partner while not wanting to face the human and financial concerns of running a successful enterprise: “ let me sell, or track costs, or run a project” , I’m comfortable with that “ is the familiar refrain I hear.
In the course of coaching dozens of “leaders” over the past decade, I have identified a consistently missing element present in these operationally challenged firms. There is an absence of leader generated, employee informed VISIONS. As with the aimless direction of the captain less tanker, the visionless leader and their company lack direction, purpose, and the defined drivers essential to capturing the opportunities of the future.
Consequently employees do not buy into the entreaties of management, have generally low morale, and see their work as “just a job”. The firm reacts to the whims of the marketplace rather than controlling its destiny. Survival rather than success become the mantra. Visionless, like walking in the dark of night without a destination or purpose.
Company captains who have defined who their firm is: where they are aimed, and in what time frame, describe the process as “ someone turned on the lights”. Suddenly and with enthusiasm there is a direction, a purpose, an raison d’etre. Imagine ! Now they can now stand up in front of employees and stakeholders and complete the mantra of a Big Ten University which is WE ARE ………………… Employees now have that brisk walk in their step all going in the same direction: The GPS voice is telling the same message to EVERYONE in the firm: in 2 years we will be the best at what we do.

A leader's compass

Graphics, Astrology, Greek Logic – Three Communications Platforms

Management gurus have made a comfortable living teaching us
lesser mortals about the art and science of “communications”
When the residue settles, we often hear the refrain “ talk on their level”:
Don’t use 50 cent words when 25 centers will do:
Paint word pictures, etc etc etc.
What if you and the listener speak a different language??
We’re not referring to a foreign language. We both speak English.

Rather, a truly semantical difference.
For example:
One person sees the world through a graphic, pictorial, multidimensional lens.
The world is a dizzying array of colors, shapes, lines, objects.
These objects tell a story, communicate an au natural experience.
They reinvent the world of design throughout the centuries and
Based on their cultural and historical perspectives.
What were Wyeth ,Picasso, Monet saying in their work?
Ask a person with the talent to see the message behind the painting:
Where some see a lily pond, others see a >>>>>>>>?
These hallowed communicators reveal themselves in an open, interesting,
and decipherable way if you speak their language.
Remember the Oak Tree from last week’s muse?

Others see the world in an astrological, mystical sense.
Life is explained by the stars, Stonehenge mysteries, the signs of the seasons
Perfectly logical, almost scientific, these truths are evident to true believers.
What do Leo and Taurus tell us about our lives present and future?
These analysts see and hear ruminations accessible only to them.
A doubter? Listen and only then pass judgment.

A third group are the semantical philosophers. Descendants of the Greeks and Romans.
Communications is founded on logic. Discussions are based on the art of using words
as an artist does a palate . Refining, defining, verbalizing phraseologies to convey
emotions, ideas, and points of view. Linguists relish the genesis of words, their many
sided meanings. The art of persuasion and problem solving is also the capacity to
motivate and captivate the minds of others using the influence of words rather
than the cudgel of tyranny.

Three platforms of communications. Spaced far apart in our human universe. Differing foundations,
separate points of focus. A tantalizing challenge to our psyches.

One of the world's great communicators