A glaze of snow on the mountain trail

Feeble red oaks bracing the winter winds

Too cold to trek

First day of winter?

Last sunrise of fall?


Snuggle,huddle,bridle inside

Hiding for 6 months

Nature smiles, humans are hiding

Animals and rodents run free

God’s country is God’s country again


Surrender the Poconos

Leave snow shoes hung in the garage

Surrender to the elements

Smells of hemlock hang with heavy snow

Surrender snow drifts, slashing neck burning winds

Surrender snowmobile trails

Grey tinged skies collage with the winter sun


To trek or not to trek. That is the question.

Cabin fever- higher level each week

House becomes prison like

Reflecting snow, one of God’s paintings

Staying inside- turning our backs on God’s goodness










Breathe Deeply,Enjoy

Crisp, clean, penetrating swatches of air

October 1 is here

The beginning of the end or

the end of the beginning?

Maple trees, lawn grass, sand dunes

All are magnificent, waiting

for the beginning of the end or

the end of the beginning.

Growth has ceased: asleep,

Decline into fall, winter not yet begun

Finest days of middle age, all is well

Wordless poetry permeates

Whispering what?

Enjoy, this season is another of the Lord’s gifts

Ignore? Your life is wasting away. Use nature’s

palate to appreciate all that encircles you.

Ignore, and the darkness of life and winter surrounds, captures,

restrains the goodness of your soul.

Scuffle in the dirt, pray softly, inhale deeply,

Enjoy the gift

We Meet The River Styx

Sounds of rushing water thunder in the near distance. It’s the cacophony of the river Styx reverberateing from one side of the canyon to another.

The thunder lacks clarity, familiarity, comprehension . After all, we’ve played in canyon streams for decades. There is a comfort, a healing which comes as barefooted we cross the soft rounded stones which lead to waterfalls and natural dams.. the sound gives us comfort.

Why is our acoustical antennae disoriented. Some force from the mystic beyond is unexplainable.

Words to describe the Styx as it rushes past? Groping, we search our internal thesaurus. Lost, we’re lost.

Why are we nervous, hesitant? The closer we tread to the river bank the paranormal feels close by in the reeds and on the embankment. Brushing against us, creeping Charlies cause an instant rash, a burning.

We want to know more, hear more, understand more; then why are our internals giving us messages of uncertainty and fear?

We’ve trekked for decades . Familiar values, beliefs, comforting friends, life has moved on a predictable course. Slowly the walking path to the Styx becomes less predictable. We double check our memory bank… we are losing touch with past events.. our body aches, tires, talks to us in the dark of the night. Comforting guideposts which lead us safely to the waterfalls of the Styx are less and less present.

A hiker coming away from the river asks “ Sir, can I help you?” There it is again..Others addressing me in the context of my aging face, limping gait, the shadow of a dimmed youth. The ravages of time cannot be disguised. We are indeed old.

The trail to the Styx has no place to turnaround.. no way to return to our youth. Stopping at the river’s edge comes a recognition that there is no turning back. The Styx is the carrier of the inevitability of life’s end.

We are alone. The sounds we can’t identify – we have never heard them before. We have never seen or heard the end of life’s inevitability before. God stands in mid stream. Arms outstretched. We look into the stream. Paranormal beings tell us not to step off the river bank.. Dante waits.

Clashing, thunderous sounds emerge from the river. Just beyond is a vista of peace. How do we get from point A to point B? We are alone. Our friends and family have passed on. It is just us.


Hurry because the clouds are gathering: night is near: how long do we have?


Sprinkles of daisy dust gather in the centurion sunlight

Dancing to the gentle notes of the forest glen symphony they

ride the transparent ripples of the long since forgotten spring.

Rhythmically holding hands, the dust’s chorus line forms ripples

barely visible to the casual observer.


Midday sun rays caress the sodden trunks of long since

fallen oaks. Baring the inner core of once proud hard

woods, this idyllic stream shares the beauty of its bottom weeds,

with speckled trout gleefully chasing dinner prey.


Battered wooden slats, wounded concrete boulders, remnants of man’s

brief sojourn in God’s creation, lie silently in the spring brook’s

eternal bed. Undeterred, the spring has recreated its former beauty, 

evident to all who pause and meditate, life above, within, and into its depths,

this tiny speck on man’s maps is a tribute to Nature’s regenerative power.



paradise is obliterated. Worse, the summer sunlight is life threatening to these creatures accustomed to a world of total darkness.

What right do I have to intrude?

Gently rolling clumps of enriched black earth in my hands, enjoying grit under finger nails, recalls the wise of great grandmother Fisher ” Treat the earth as God’s gift and you will be rewarded. Abuse her and you will be punished. the earth is one of God’s fondest creations. He created it for us to cherish”. Ah, the Puritan ethic runs deep.

Peering from the underside of her ever present Amish bonnet, Grammy knew whereof she
spoke. the war gardens in which she toiled from sun up to sun down from April to early November in the 1940’s protected our family from the perils of starvation. Some of the less energetic neighbors did not fare as well.

The men of the family? They were members of the greatest generation fighting for their lives as part of the Big Red One, Pennsylvania’s keystone regiment during the Battle of the Bulge.

The women? They toiled amid oppressive heat and noise at chocolate factory.. Standing on unforgiving concrete floors for long hours, my mother never complained. The work was part of her patriotic duty –making chocolate bars for the troops- including her husband.

How did we survive?

Mounded rows of russet potatoes large red tomato plants, spring onions, stalks of pole beans and mint tea plants provided the staples. Additionally, we spent Sunday afternoons scouring the rocky hillsides of the Blue Mountains scrounging for blueberries and non-toxic mushrooms. The blueberries and their lesser respect relatives, mulberries, were subsequently canned and stashed on crude wooden shelves in the coal cellar.
All this begs the question. How inconsequential is the replanting of a lawn when we owe our existence to the pluck and determination of those who came before us?

All this begs the question. How inconsequential is the rep

The Silent Leaf



 Two trees are planted in our simple yard.  They are positioned prominently as remembrances to our deceased mothers.  Knowing we are on the downside of our lives, it is hoped that these trees will display the beauty  of God for generations to come. Yes, it was our way of sharing memorials of beloved mothers.We see this as a  simple and meaningful gesture.  Plant the trees, nurture them in the early years, and nature takes over.

 For any species to survive in the Great Plains is a miracle.  For two trees to battle and endure the harsh climes is amazing. Twenty four months ago, we stared out the kitchen window admiring the latest  6” of overnight snow fall.  As always, the sturdy backyard tree survived the snow, ice, and 40 mph winds blowing south from the Canadian provinces. Mid winter and the soybean fields are now acres of dormant brown splotches. Falling burnt orange needles from the stand of  blue spruce  trees creates a protective bed for rabbits, squirrels, to hide during the arrival of inevitable  blizzards.

As usual, Mother nature awakens us from the dreaminess of  superficial  observations.  A furled, fatigued singular leaf catches our attention.  It remains attached to a narrow limb  on Grandma Gress’ otherwise barren maple tree.  Strong! The leaf hangs on with a determination reminiscent of Grandma.What is the message? Each wintry morning, steaming Colombian coffee in hand, we  gather at the window to see if our friend remains.  Yes, December, January, February it is still attached.

 What is the message? Is there a message?

We struggle to interpret what are  Grandma Gress and God saying? Is she  reminding us about her lifetime of strength, perseverance, indomitable religious faith.? She played such a major role in establishing our life values. Regrettably, on a gray  March morning we jointly notice that the leaf has disappeared. Our friend has slipped away silently into the darkness of a frigid winter night.  Sadness envelopes our hearts.  Will the leaf return?

 This winter has seen 19 days of unrelenting snow in the first 23 days of December.  Temperatures are 6 or more degrees below normal.  Snow storms seem endless.  Beautiful white mounds become a curse when we daily grit our teeth and feel the brunt of early morning arctic cold. We apprehensively part the lace curtains and check to see if the driveway and deck are again covered with more of the white fluffy stuff.  The surrounding forests and fields are again void of leaves and green color.

 God takes us by the hands and leads us to the kitchen window to enjoy the beauty of His snow covered landscape. There it is again, a singular leaf clinging onto  the same tree.  An identical twin of the furled brown leaf from 2 years ago, it beckons for our attention.  Again!Like its predecessor, this fragile gift of nature survives the impossible forces of harsh winter storms. The leaf faces us each time we look out the window.  Is it smiling at us? Is this real or a product of our imaginations? A blessing?  Fervent prayers for healing and perseverance have been heard and answered by God again and again as we have endured medical and other challenges in the 24 months since first being greeted by our leafy visitor. The leaf seems to reach out and encourages us to continue to  pray, to have faith. 

A freak of nature? Accidental, just a coincidence?  We believe those with little faith may have a difficult time explaining away this remarkable happenstance. It is time for us to pray, to listen, to meditate.  We have been blessed.  May we welcome the spirit that rides with the leaf back into our lives and tell us what is wanted.  Now is the time for us to  sacrifice.  We remain convinced that this is more than a coincidence!


Solitude – A single leaf by Christopher Flees.  Used with permission.






Words leaping off the keyboard: mesmerized

by Delta Blues.

Lyrics filled with the gutteral stories of struggle,

Survival and life’s tensions:

Timeless, ageless, wrapped in a culture of plantation

Experiences : understood by some, appreciated by all.

A musical collage of life’s stories.

A palette of sounds for life’s seekers…whomever you may be.

The search for individual peace and calm is

universal across time, space, and geography. The Blues

provide a reflective voice when the noise of life is

a cacophony of directionless sound.

The  trek becomes more urgent as the

hour hands on the West Minister clock inexorably

travels its 360 degree journey each and every day.

Days pass, years accumulate.  The grim reaper awaits.

Scythe in hand: Eyes at the ready.

An individual journey whose map into the future is

guided by our own inner GPS … going where?

Twists and turns are as buffet offerings slapped on a platter?

No, options are deeply rooted in our choices of yesterday,

of yesteryear.  The fabric of our choices are sewn together

as in a handmade Amish stocking carpet:  each decision adding to

the fabric’s strength, color, and size.  To undo any of the intricate

panels is to disrupt the quilt’s essence – and thus tear our

past asunder .

Our inner psyche becomes unrecognizable.

The nimble fingers of the skilled artisan attaches one stocking to

another – using artistic magic to create their own masterpiece.

Each stitch an individual choice: decision.

And so it is as we wend our way through life’s  daily opportunities:

 We are responsible for each step we take: decision we choose.

Like the maestro composing the blues: the seamstress creating

a masterpiece..  our decisions are influenced by those who have

gone before.

The quiet interludes we choose to have : or ignore with our God

follow the West Minister time piece as we evolve into our full being.

Like the clock, we can rewind, reset, and recalibrate who we are and

what we believe … when and if we choose to do so.

 Amish artistry


The humanness of animals or is it the

animalism in humans?

Humans have a soul – a deference for right and wrong.

Animals are instinctive, sly, honed for survival.

Evolution has sharpened the differences – or magnified

the similarities?

Silence – does it exist in our two environments?

Groups of “social trekkers” who crash through woodlots on their Sunday

afternoon walks frequently  talk loudly, laugh incessantly, and are

generally noisy intruders. There is an OBVIOUS lack of  appreciation of

being present in the secluded home of feathered and furry out of doors

residents. Noisy, always noisy, these aliens to nature’s realm are devoid of an

appreciation of the benefits to man and beast associated with  silence.

Oh yes, there is cacophony in the  animal world: rutting season, migrational

passages, the horrific life and death battles taking place daily between

hunter and stalked.   These outcries blend into the larger fabric of life on the


Just the right note is sounded, the opera of life is exactly on key.

The absence of dissonance is remarkable.

Which returns us  to silence.

Listen intently in the oak stand on a   mountain side venue in which every

 sound, each noise is part of an Integrated symphony… composed, conducted,

 and played by the instruments of nature, may indeed

be an orchestra of silence.  The music of nature is at such a perfect pitch, so

soothing, that  our capacity to hear/interpret/comprehend  is stretched to the


 The creator’s way of protecting and celebrating the deity’s own.

A view from a differing side of the oracle’s temple ­ which differs from the

common understanding –nature’s symphony is a complement to our senses. It

 soothes as does the vaporization of sound we call silence.

Silence – with a twist, a variation on the theme: given to us as a gift by the

World Class SilenceGreat I Am.




Two sets of adult footprints follow the shore line.

Headed west , stride by stride.

A symphony as of one.

Their parade heads into the infinite horizon

They are known to us only by their signature prints.

We hear them not: nor see them except in our imagination.

Their silence – is it a means of avoiding the revelations of the spoken word?

 Does silence shield us from sharing our profound, risky ideas from the world?

Or is silence a cave like repository of our deepest thoughts and knowledge?

The even tide raises to a level overwhelming the prints of our stranger friends.

Covering each with a cascade of water… then the hand of undercurrent sweeps

the prints away and into the receding ocean.

Or does it?

While walking the trekkers made an impact on the beach, on those

watching them, on the squawking  gulls scarfing for dinner.

Their silence? Only to those who were not there to observe.

What happens to the sounds they made? Where do they go?

 Do they last forever in a yet undiscovered pantheon of the universe?

 Is there a planet comprised of captured sounds where  language is melt

into silence for all, and simultaneously no one to hear.

And so it is with our silent thoughts, dreams, ideas.

They may remain deep inside of our imagination.

But never disappearing.. are always present.

These unspoken concepts find a way onto the beach:

In written script: as a nugget of conversation with an

unsuspecting friend.

What we think and imagine remains silent for only a little while.

Words last forever --somewhere


Nike walking shoes carry the urban trekker from prairie grass

Into the edges of the emerging woodlot.

The unusual combination of hardwoods, evergreens and palms

again amazes and confuses him..  as does so much of mystical nature.

In his last walk the diamond shaped sun spots danced off the

leaves of tiny red maple trees.  The light was an usual combination

of yellow and peach.

This third dimensional presence remained  in place: he walks ahead.

Stomach churning in anticipation,  beads of newly created sweat on his brow,

 he slowly inches forward, one cautious step at a time.

Quiet: dark:  local birds in residence are talking with each other.

The woodlot seems to be  a world unto its self.

The light briefly appears from the north.  Not east or west? The north?

Has the earth deviated from its axis?  Wrens  swirl about disoriented, confused.

Some flying into the trunks of trees and then dropping to the forest floor.

Yet our traveler is entirely at peace.  A calmness envelopes him.

His  stomach is quiet.  Beads of sweat dry and disappear. Worries

exit from his psyche.

What is this power that effects birds and animals but not our human friend?

Are we indeed one with nature?  What if that is no longer true?

Mind stretching – this questions a basic tenant.

What if there are multiple creators?  What if our ecosystems are both interdependent

and independent?  What if humans are not the superior beings on earth?

The questions give him pause. Peering  into the mirror of creation is good for the soul.

The light follows then leads our intrepid hiker.  Where will it lead?

Is there another strange ecosystem broaching the swamp we are approaching?

Is this a voluntary walk? An act of free will?

We search for a known frame of reference  – is the light real – or a creation of our imagination?

A dream facing us when we are awake? An illusion?

The temptation to explain away the phenomena as imaginary,

Illusionary, or the product of derangement  overcome our determination to block

out all thought and conjecture.

When we quantitatively  evaluate forces of creation which are outside our established

tradition, beliefs and cultures we are forced to examine ourselves in a new

light.  Some times illusionary.  Some times with trepidation.

Thoughts, ideas, concepts cling to our psyche forever.  They

are part of our eternal being.  Be courageous, take the risk, permit

the light in the forest to lead you to the heretofore  unknown world

of the third dimension. God is watching you.

A walk in the third dimension