Grey/ white heads:  colored hair: bald  guys:

 The view from the rear of the auditorium

Reminiscent of an AARP convention.

Aging couples: widows and widowers.


In their midst she sat alone, quiet, at peace.

Her husband died suddenly a year ago.

Molden, bend at the shoulders she blended in

Unnoticed, unassuming, expressionless.


It is said that Christ comes to us when we are least expecting

Be alert, for He may come at any time.


This quiet woman had requested the song

“My Cup Runneth Over” be played at her husband’s funeral.

The troubadour, with his wife seated beside him, did the honors again.


Grey hairs, sat and listened, attentively, respectfully.

A “sound of silence” air filled the gathered audience.

Emotionless, eyes front just like we learned in the military.

The song proceeded with a lively yet pensive air until..

“We grow old together and the earth grows cold”


There is Christ again talking to all of us as we walk

Closer to the sunset.. each day .. together.

Couples don’t look at each other… 

Too painful? Too embarrassed to admit our mortality

In public?

 Or too proud to admit that the emotions of the

song, reflective of a life time together is indeed accurate?


The click of the locking of the front door:  lights turn off:

Quilts are pulled over legs which have traveled miles together:

 Sniffling tears as couples snuggle together.

 The earth is getting cold..  the last chapter is being written.


An unassuming lady dressed in summer white has delivered

Another gift from Christ.. a song which only an angel can compose and sing.

Words linger.. He touches us.. and we walk on.. 


 Love Endures


Our recent blog about Inner Peace and retirement created reactions –

feedback,stimulating conversation, and food for thought.  With the permission

of a friend who reuested anonymity I’d like to reflect on his observations.

A long time friend, author, and outwardly transparent friend  in Canada

shared…my reason, the sole rationale for retirement is “ So I can find out

who I am”.




He concludes that  he is emotionally drained with the seemingly endless

and boring trivia  of the daily grind;, and most of all… complying with society’s

continuing expectations.   Not his innermost  expectations, but those of 


Fortunate to be successful  in many arenas  financial, professional, artistic , he

nevertheless feels that life has  been  primarily a reaction to  circumstances

beyond his control.

 He rides the waves  of  identifying ,seizing, and profiting from  business

opportunities. The ability to  comprehend the complexities of   financial

spreadsheets and negotiating contracts  is renown in the business community.

 A shining  example of servant  leadership, employees respect

and applaud his character.  They believe  he provides security for them now

and  the indefinite future .

 Religion – oh  yes, he laughingly admits to passively attending  church

regularly- a societal obligation., a place to make and maintain contacts and

keep the family happy.

 Meanwhile, he has never taken   time to pause, to reflect, to take charge of his

own life.  A dedicated family man, social volunteer, and entrepreneur , life

speeds by at a mind numbing  hectic pace.

One recent winter morning, sipping hot coffee and looking out over the snow

covered great plains  that are visible from his palatial hillside estate near

Calgary, Canada, a cold realization caused  shuttering to the core.

A question hung in the air  : Who am I?

Sixty six years old.  Respected and indeed beloved by many

in his community.. blessed with a  unique capacity to be a “listener”, provide

an empathetic ear, to understand what people are really saying, to sense the

 needs and commend others for their gifts and achievements.  Yet he recoiled

 at the sudden realization of an  unanswerable question now shouting irascibly

 in his inner each morning:

Who am I?

 Accruing more “stuff”, owning a Mcmansion, political power, community

visibility, loyalty to his shareholders, none of these now seem  important

in the ever encroaching  sunset years.

 Legacy –  so important in the recent past –now an empty shell  alone on the

 beach of a distant shore –orphaned  without a reflective  answer to  Who am I?


Turning out the corporate lights, engaging in an introspective life, loosening

the shackles of whatever inhibited him, my dear friend is taking the time,

making it his retirement quest to answer the question Who am I?

 Judith Rolfs has written  “Breathless: over 100 Minute Meditations For

Connecting Your Heart with God’s , or How Prayer Poetry Speaks

the Language of Angels (Kindle Edition):

 With her permission, I’d like to share the following:

                                                                Mysterious Life

                                                                Mysterious Life

                                                                How long shall it be?

                                                                For some it seems too lengthy.

                                                                   For some too short.

                                                  I’m glad You’re in charge, Lord of defining length

                                                                And giving occasional extensions.

                                                               Like the fifteen years

                                                                Faithful Hezekiah received.

                                                           Or cutting some lives short

                                                                Like haughty Herod.

                                                                Lord. How many years

                                                                Have you determined for me?

                                                                I promise not to rush their use,

                                                                But see each day as moments to be lived,

                                                                Embracing my challenges and pleasures

                                                                As I live fully this mysterious life

                                                                For as many years as You’ve designated

                                                                My body shall experience earthly life.

                                                                Psalm 92:13-15

 We will continue this discussion about retirement .  Your comments  and

experiences are as always, welcomed and cherished.


Inevitably, inexorably, indescribably  father time

controls the clock of life… counting down our time

On this earth until the chimes strike midnight.

For some, the final stages of existence begin with

a societal imposed marker we call “retirement”.

Hello, America !

65 is not a universally mandated  shutdown age.

Approaching 65 can be  a foreboding signature.  What happens when we meet

that milestone? Will the grim reaper appear at our door

step ready to tell us “how many years we have remaining?”

Planners, journalists, pundits, seers of all types market the

concept that we need a “plan”, a vision, some defined pathway

for our golden years.

Society  conditions some to think their mental faculties will

Immediately disappear: that they  better run to the pharmacist

to begin using the little blue pills: that the world will consider them



, used up trash.  These get translated into

“ what will I do with my time that continues to reaffirm my self worth?

Inner Peace Awaits

A sense of gray foreboding overshadows the psyche.

A second group ignores the signposts which say “dangerous curve ahead”,

or “slippery when wet”…. They disregard  flashing lights on the horizon and

continue with their journey.  This hell bent for election group mutters

about  turning 65 . But they are not about to give up being snow birds, their

BMW’s, and fine wines.  Identifying a plan to which they commit is

a type of prison sentence –an admission that life will end in a time and

manner beyond their control.

A constant theme within those in this transitional demographic is the presence

or lack thereof .. of self satisfaction and inner peace.

The pessimists (the world is going to end) and the idealists (I can maintain this

lifestyle forever)  are both searching.  Most pessimists have spent their

adult life looking in the rear view mirror romanticizing the past.  The idealists

search for  a future – the present is never good enough and the future is ill


 Prepping for retirement – inner peace is one of the  foundation stones.

Those described  in the two scenarios above are thrashing about for calmness,

a sense of purpose and happiness.  Inner piece cannot be created magically

over night when  one reaches the magical 65 milestone.  The good news –inner

peace is a process  which can be enjoyed over an entire lifetime.  A process

which is the direct opposite of giving up, being lethargic, or milling about in

the swamps of hopelessness.

 This is the proverbial journey—