World War II Legacy Continues

Reflective multicolored pearls bounce skyward

Shimmering snow banks rejoice

Winter’s beauty arrives


A new beginning; January 2, 2016

Quietude in our small town

Five days since a drug bust

It could be worse.


Priests and preachers ruminate hopeful themes

This year will be better than last

Phone rings – our daughter calls: let the good times roll.

Politicians and pundits recover from hangovers.

College bands, cheerleaders: cheer for the home team.


Hope there is hope/

I scan Word press: clever writers probe the paranormal

Smiling, all is well.


Wearing my German heritage is a badge of honor

On time, precise, exact, we block out WWII.

Never again- a phrase oft repeated in our childhood.

Yes, shame runs through generations.

Ah, but this is 2016…


And then !! A bold headline jumps off the internet.

Turkey’s president “ Hitler had some good ideas”.

He brought organizational skills to government.


Yes, he designed the holocaust.


US government outrage – none

US media outrage – none

Presidential reaction – none


Neville Chamberlin lives.

Precursors of evil and death are here

We profess “ Never Again”

Bull Shit – the ghosts of 1939 are alive and well.