Ten years old and life can be an uphill struggle in the mountains of central


Wearing tattered clothing, sneakers with holes in the soles.

He  puts  his head down to avoid the snickers of others when

 Leaving  the school bus… all the kids know about his  poverty….

His father killed in Iraq: mother struggling with a minimum wage job.

Two younger brothers and sisters  are all of preschool age.

Tim’s ( as we shall name him for this article ) peers  know you get a free school

lunch and use food stamps.

The trailer roof leaks , last spring the electric power was shut off .

Penn State Lion images are everywhere in this rural town,

at the grocery store, the dentist, the pharmacy.

Pennants, stickers, pom poms , sweat shirts. Everywhere.

 Stories about Joe Pa and  the national championships are legendary.

The smart, tough guys who went to Linebacker U are heroes for generations.

The local dentist, attorneys, business leaders –all Penn State Grads.

The Harrisburg Sunday Patriot, Lebanon Daily News, Channel 4  TV in

Lancaster carry news of recruiting triumphs throughout the year.

Would the local 5 star all state full back from Bishop McDevitt  in Harrisburg

matriculate to Penn State or defect to Pittsburgh or Alabama?   As much a news

Item as the gubernatorial election.

By age 7-8: young men can tell you the histories of Joe  Paterno,  Rip Engle and

 Jerry Sandusky.

Sandusky designed the defenses for the national championship teams. 

Respected, smart, a guy who had access to Penn State’s campus, and carried

blue and white in his veins.

Tim remembers being “recruited” to join Jerry’s the Second Mile Program –

billed as a program to help his self esteem and make him a better person. 

Tim never had a chance – he was a prime candidate for the claws of the

predator.Parents revered Jerry Sandusky –   especially those who wanted to

give more to their kids – but couldn’t. The “ Second Mile” program was a

blessing – Jerry was a role model leader of the program.

Imagine, spending time with a folk hero who helped propel Penn State to

national football prominence?

 Jerry liked the kids.. An eagle eye for athletic talent, he also had the

uncommon ability to identify the most vulnerable.. to spot the young boys who

had that extra need for attention.. The kind of oral sex and anal sex attention

foisted upon them  by the sick predators of this world.

 From summer camps to the private, glitzy, big time locker facilities at Happy

Valley is a short walk for the well  connected Sandusky. According to published

 reports, locker rooms where he was seen performing oral sex on pre teens.

Over a decade, he allegedly violated numerous young men, using his fame as a

former Penn State coach for access to young minds and bodies.. and violated

them in Penn State’s football facilities as well as elsewhere.

Others knew – he was reportedly  seen with a naked boy committing oral sex in

a shower room .  A grad student observed  the horrific scene and turned him

into Penn State authorities .. and nothing was done. No action was taken.

The terror continued and continued.  And the authorities  covered  up.

 One needs to understand the allegiance of Pennsylvania parents to the

University.  The high regard for its ethics and values.  From toddler age 

through senior years the University and its athletic programs are

nigh unto a religion.  Always a bit above the Ohio State tattoo scandal,

Wisconsin’s shoe scandal , the dismal education rates among SEC athletes. Penn

 State was the shining example of the way to run a class athletic program.  Get

into trouble in a local bar – Joe Pa would bench the player at

the least – or make sure the young man transferred to another school.

This scandal does  not involve players but a former coach and university icon.

 Rather this is a legal and moral morass brought upon innocent children by a

sick pedophile who was apparently  enabled to continue his horrific actions by

the head of the athletic department and chief of security.

Sweep it under the rug and the dirt will disappear! Avoid the truth – an axiom

that never succeeds. 

 The proud battle cry of  Nittany Lion  fans when visiting the  Badgers at Camp

Randall is “ WE ARE PENN STATE”.  A shrill combination of pride and


 No longer.  Not this year.

 As a Roman Catholic who has watched the priest pedophile scandal grow

exponentially because of a culture of denial and enablement , one fears for the

viability of the institution at Happy Valley .

Most of all – the innocence of many children is lost.. and the scars last a


 So to my faithful readers, I admit my anger, embarrassment, and shame on

behalf of the University. Having been one of those who lived and breathed PSU

football since an early age, I will be one of those fans at Camp Randall who will

sit quietly during  the November game in respect for those boys who

were ignored by Penn State University in their horrific days, weeks, and years

of greatest need.

 To say we are sorry is not enough.  To say “ WE ARE PENN STATE” is an



Losing by a point or two with .3 seconds left, the Wisconsin Badger
Player let it fly from beyond the 3 point arc
Bang, it bounced off of the backboard and into the basket
As the horn sounded.
• Luck?
• Skill?
• Determination
Knowledge that it wasn’t over until it is over.
An apt metaphor for the resolve of movers and shakers.

Every single, solitary successful mover and shaker has it.
How is it evidenced, where does it come from?
Look deep into the eyes .. beyond the obvious, the sometimes endearing, charming, social look
Resolution may be camouflaged deeper than the eyes..
Emanating from deep within the inner sanctum: it’s genesis is secret, private, and hidden.

Privacy is a key component: successful resolve is forged from the heated caldrons of life and experience.
We all have our dark secrets: resolve comes with a combination of public and private victories.
Yes, there are dark ghosts laying dormant in the carmalized forests: better left covered and secret.
These ghosts oftentimes contribute to the inner strength, determination, guile, political acumen
Necessary to mix the chemicals for the mastery of resolution .

The steel of resolve is embedded differently from individual to individual
For some, it is drive: the classic full speed ahead :all the time: take no prisoners:
Oftentimes combined with the energy to devote endless hours to a project or cause
No matter the personal or family sacrifice: the problem at hand is paramount in importance.
Overcoming the challenge at hand is one factor – personal need and gratification is another.

Or, , devoting a lifetime to overcome personal demons ..
These “ Cool Hand Luke” types have seemingly endless reserve of emotional strength, calm, fortitude.
With some, such as Secret Service types, there is a cool detachment – cold : look me in the eyes type.
Authoritarian leaders have a similar demeanor: Make no mistake they have mastered the art of

Another group: life’s problem solvers are detached, removed, singularly focused
Always committed to solving a problems which stretch the intellect: involve complex interpersonal
These may be immediate crises, or like cancer research – take years of dedication.
Quit is not a word in their vocabulary: Unflustered, they carry on.

These are the marathon runners. Who no matter what the cause, or project, or life challenge
They strive for successful completion.
Such commitment has its risks… Resolution on whose terms? At what price?
Is their individual resolution a healthy combination of personal attributions or a running away from
demons and threats?. Let’s hope the former.

A seminal question – is the resolute CEO filled with inner peace? We know these leaders. Successful
with a work/life/spiritual balance. They have resolved to keep people, jobs, and relationships in
perspective. This is indeed a challenge for the resolute – to be a Renaissance Man in the broadest
sense. At what price is fame, fortune, sexual prowess, intellectual supremacy?

For your consideration: the ultimate champion of resoluteness is also a kingpin of their own soul and
foundational belief systems.

Resolve to conquer any mountain