Artists, of  all genres, have spurts of intuition and insight.

Painters begin with a swab of paint and let their fingers do the walking.

Writers begin with a word, an idea, a concept, and their minds wonder.

Friends  inquire as to the source of ideas and inspiration for these muses.

Today is one of those times – a muse written as an observation of the good

works you bring to this author.

On Sunday  the smiling lady standing behind a scattered  pile of books said

“ Take as many as you want”.” They are from our library.”

 A collector of things written ( as overflowing book shelves attest).

I couldn’t resist – books for free – manna from Heaven.

Book diving in the bottom of a cardboard box – there it was talking to me

“ Mother Teresa – In my Own Words”.

Want a freshly baked humble pie? Think you are clever when

friends say –that muse really struck me in the heart?  Today’s comparison

with Mother Teresa grabs one by the scruff of the neck – wake up big boy!

Not a chance, Mother Teresa is in the big leagues.  A clean up hitter

when it comes to insights and action.

Reflect, take a deep breath, and learn from the words of a master

whom  I heard mesmerize an audience decades ago.

 Mother Teresa , bent, frail, charismatic, dressed in her customary humble garb

 addressed  a  hushed, awed crowd of thousands in Philadelphia. 

No soaring rhetoric of hope, change.

Calm, confident, engaging, yes one could describe her as angelic.

A forceful, low key,  captivating speaker .. to say you could hear

a pin drop in the audience is a gross understatement.

One of those seminal events when we have the gift of listening to

a “game changer” in the course of human history.

Her message of compassion, love, and service to the poor reverberates these

many years past.

Here she is again,  forcing herself into my consciousness: sharing her insights. 

A simple card table full of books In a country church in Fontana. 

Who would expect Mother Teresa here?

Open  this book of Mother Teresa’s quotes – pick a page, any page.

Discover the differential  between a Saint and us mere mortals.

Humble, insightful, seeing the world through a prism of understanding

to which we can only aspire.

Days later, the local handyman rings the doorbell – – a somewhat bedraggled

fixer of all things electrical, mechanical,etc.

Equipped with a  smile, a tool box, and a beat up van carrying gadgets and gismos.

His weathered ladders are splattered with paint,

His unkempt hair a month or two since feeling the snip of a barber.

Today he came to fix a light fixture in the bathroom.

Hi ! he pronounces – another great day in Packer Land!

The fixture ? . No problem  and off he chugs down the hallway.

 30 minutes later he climbs off his wobbly  ladder.

“ A little more complicated than I thought”.. That will be $15.00!

How is that possible I ask? Only $15.00?

He displays  this air of accomplishment – a  problem solved.

Money isn’t the motivator ..  a problem solved and a pleased customer.

This journeyman doesn’t wear his Christianity on his sleeve.  One

knows he lives his faith.. demonstrates his values. No preaching,

no giving out splashy flyers.. just watch  my example.

Mother Teresa said “ Whoever is dependent on his or her money or

worries about it, is truly a poor person. If that person places his or her

money at the service of others, then the person becomes rich, very

rich indeed.”

The  van’s engine turns over. A wisp of blue smoke fills the air. Down the

driveway and off to his next challenge.  A rich, very rich man has spoken

volumes by his deeds.

Will he and Mother Teresa meet in Heaven?

A Saint in our Midst