Silence … a world devoid of audible words.

Is that it? So simplistic. So challenging. So fraught

with the promise of inner peace.. yet contradicting our

life styles.. A hermitage??

Spiritual silence emanates from the inside of our souls

rather than the external pinching of our lips

So difficult to comprehend.


The quietude of self surrender.. to the Great I AM.

Inner peace accompanies willing self surrender, when

the act is one of free will, unquestionable, and subject

to the will of God.. His Will, not ours.

Overcoming the stifling powers of strife, angst,

self incrimination, personal delusion, contemplation facilitates the

act of dying unto self.. the complete surrender of our

worldly self.

So difficult. To surrender ourselves. Complete trust. Giving

up ideas and precepts which we believe have sustained

us.. or so we thought…because everyone else is engaged in

the same, non sacrificial journey.

If Thomas Merton could walk this walk – why can’t we?


The day before Christmas combines feelings of anticipation, preparation, and spiritual reflection.  A time of joy when the organized adults among us are mentally prepared and have completed their gift buying.


For others, it’s a hectic, frantic time. Some shoppers have procrastinated to the afternoon before Christmas day. Last minute shopping is an enjoyable yearly challenge. It’s a chance to beat the odds hoping that the “unique” gift for which they are searching remains available on the fast emptying specialty store shelves. This was a successful strategy last year!


Grocery store clerks wish closing time would soon arrive – very soon. These young men and women are tired of smiling, of bagging food while standing at busy cash registers, of stocking and restocking shelves. Where do all these shoppers come from? Clerks silently groan, but maintain a smile, at the thought of again explaining to overwrought customers that canned pumpkin is in aisle 11 when large overhead signs decorated in seasonal colors and strategically placed by management already convey the message.


Husbands apprehensively pace the jammed parking lot while surveying the lineup of welcoming stores at the mall. These successful corporate leaders appear disoriented, confused, lost.  Foreheads are wet with beads of nervous sweat. It’s been a year since he ventured into these dens of capitalism. Modern day explorers, dads apprehensively note the ringing alarm on their smart phone screams that the time is creeping oh so close to the 6 o’clock closing time. It’s 5:30. Panic!  The annual foray into Macy’s reveals smiling sales assistants standing amidst rows and rows of festively decorated sales displays.  What did the wife say was her heart’s desire? Panic attack again!  Nuts, the kids don’t remember either. Oh yes, an Irish sweater.  The wife always loves these! What size, what color?  AHA! There it is.  I know she will like that hand knitted white sweater that’s on sale.


Simultaneously, suburban soccer moms ponder the annual question “does he have a clue what I want for a gift ?  Please, I do not want another white wool sweater from Ireland.  Three is enough! Each year I ask for jewelry and each year he comes with another sweater! The family concierge, she is in charge of organizing both dinner and church schedules. What time is church tomorrow? We haven’t been there since Easter. The church office is closed. No information on the internet.  Call the neighbors? No, that idea is too embarrassing.  Daughter Cindy is 12. How do I explain to her that we don’t have a clue about the church’s schedule when her friends are proudly talking about showing off their new winter jackets?


Oh well, we’ll try to make time to catch a service on TV.  That will suffice.  Anyway, Xmas is more about toys, sweaters and jewelry than religion.  We now call it a holiday instead of Christmas. Christ was left out of the equation a long time ago. Watching the children smile as they open gifts is important so we as parents can feel good about ourselves and our career achievements.  Passing along the idea that spiritual values are necessary is a waste of time in today’s world.


Hmm – have we come to this?  What will our legacy be?





The earthy  handshake is the imprimatur of this confident man

who has spent many successful years

proving that building an international business and

laboring with ones hands tilling the earth are compatible.


The strength of the vice like grip communicates friendship, loyalty,

a recognition of lives shared together. Love in its purest form.

Often times a two handed shake, a pat on the back, a jocular

“how are you doing” ?

Conversations lend themselves to listening to reminisces of his past.  His childhood.

Business accomplishments.  Struggles   in the Korean war.  Friends of many decades stop at the

dinner table and say hello.  When they pass, he sits in silence. Expressionless.  Then

a sad question – I’ve known that person for many years.  What is their

name?  The question is repeated many times in the next 5 minutes or so

What is their name?


So it goes, this leader in the community is slipping into the darkness.  Grappling

to hold on to reality.  Sometimes aware that his memory is disappearing, other times not.


How does one cope?  Family and friends try to maintain an upbeat mood.  To hide their

sadness and frustration.  To be protective of this once giant of a man from the

whispers of those who suspect, but do not understand.

 The enveloping darkness becomes more pervasive.  His eyes have that distant, lost

look of a walker disoriented in the forest. Which way to the nearest logging road?


What is our obligation to friends and family who are slipping away? 

We stand outside in the cold Wisconsin  snow peering through the foggy windows of his bedroom. 

Each day it becomes more difficult to glimpse a clear picture of who he is and what

Is he becoming.   We so want to protect him from self injury, from the pain that comes with loneliness.


As infants, we are cuddled, and protected.  No questions asked.  It is a natural action

to assist the newborn.  Can we do any less fot our infirmed brothers and sisters?

Protecting them.   Shielding ourselves from feelings of helplessness and being embarrassed

 when our friend Is seemingly lost while we are together in public.

 Strongly supporting  a friend in need of a caring hug, even when they don’t know they are being helped

is a moral obligation.


Christ said bring the little children to me. Childhood is not defined by age. Let us wrap our

arms around those who have given us of themselves and are now helpless and alone in

this world.


Grey/ white heads:  colored hair: bald  guys:

 The view from the rear of the auditorium

Reminiscent of an AARP convention.

Aging couples: widows and widowers.


In their midst she sat alone, quiet, at peace.

Her husband died suddenly a year ago.

Molden, bend at the shoulders she blended in

Unnoticed, unassuming, expressionless.


It is said that Christ comes to us when we are least expecting

Be alert, for He may come at any time.


This quiet woman had requested the song

“My Cup Runneth Over” be played at her husband’s funeral.

The troubadour, with his wife seated beside him, did the honors again.


Grey hairs, sat and listened, attentively, respectfully.

A “sound of silence” air filled the gathered audience.

Emotionless, eyes front just like we learned in the military.

The song proceeded with a lively yet pensive air until..

“We grow old together and the earth grows cold”


There is Christ again talking to all of us as we walk

Closer to the sunset.. each day .. together.

Couples don’t look at each other… 

Too painful? Too embarrassed to admit our mortality

In public?

 Or too proud to admit that the emotions of the

song, reflective of a life time together is indeed accurate?


The click of the locking of the front door:  lights turn off:

Quilts are pulled over legs which have traveled miles together:

 Sniffling tears as couples snuggle together.

 The earth is getting cold..  the last chapter is being written.


An unassuming lady dressed in summer white has delivered

Another gift from Christ.. a song which only an angel can compose and sing.

Words linger.. He touches us.. and we walk on.. 


 Love Endures


Women's market

The new big bang theory –when fantasy and reality converge.

What do we imagine?  Our mind’s eye – how clear is the picture we see?

Christmas season is a swirl of anticipation, memories, and mysteries.

Ever attempted to recreate the journey of the 3 kings carrying gold,

Frankincense and mire?  Yes, the journey?

What kind of terrain are they crossing? The weather – is it like that

In your hometown in December and January?  Oops! what is the

Weather like in the Holy Lands?  Chicago, Buffalo, Damman, Al- Khobar?

Many times the images we have as youngsters remain with us as lifelong

memories.  Our “world” is defined by where we live and the legends which are

faithfully passed from generation to generation. Oral histories which endure .

So it is with Christmas.

The potential travails of the cross country trekking Magi are often minimized

 In the retelling of the legends surrounding the .Christmas Story.

So they traveled to meet the Christ child – big deal – ho hum.

Sitting in church surrounded by the sands of the great desert in Saudi Arabia, a

priest discussed how the Magi traveled over this forlorn, forbidding, and

life threatening landscape.  Temps up to 130 degrees:  blowing sand which

pierces the eyes, burns the skin, chaps the lips.   Arid, dry, desolate. 

An attention grabber! A reality check.  Never knew these kings crossed  the

Region in which we sat.  In fact, I never thought about their travel route.

Fact collided with my self constructed fiction. I assumed they traveled over a

landscape with which I was comfortably familiar.  Why challenge what had

never been accurately portrayed?

An adult level of respect for the 3 travelers immediately replaced a

romanticized version.

Where ever we are in life (remembers the recent muse “Are you retired?”). It

 can be worthwhile to double check what is reality as compared with our self

constructed memories. 

Fact, fiction, tribal tales? 

Comfortable with the stories of our lives, faith, culture? Then perhaps we don’t

 want to turn the page or read between the lines of the family history recorded

in our family Bible.  On the other hand questioning and research can reveal an

 exciting new world. 

 Subsequent to being jolted from my seat when learning about the travels of

the 3 Kings, the lady’s market at  Hofuf , Saudi Arabia became a must travel to

destination.  One of the oldest markets run bywomen in the world, a bustling

place for generations; Hofuf is an oasis of culture clash in male

Dominated Saudi Arabia.  Among other surprises, a vendor was selling

frankincense . Ever thought about where the Magi bought their gifts and from w

hom?  Nope, never occurred to me. 

The possibility of Arab noblemen purchasing a gift from a woman ! Difficult to

 get one’s arms around that bowl of jelly.

 Do you have a mental image of how the gifts were purchased, carried,

wrapped, and presented? Wondered what mall/store ? No Wal-Mart in the

midst of the desert.  Your fantasy and reality?

The Christmas Story can be one of those tales which bring joy and

wonderment.  It reawakens our lifelong quest of investigating reality and


A discussion topic for the family Christmas dinner – discuss the Magi’s journey

 to visit the Christ child.

(Or any other aspect of this miracle birth – the comparative descriptions by

 family members can be interesting).

The Lineage of Christ , Ghandi, Mother Theresa Lives On in Our Hamlet

The Lineage of Christ , Ghandi, Mother Theresa Lives On in Our Hamlet

Some high impact people are born destined to be great.
They rub elbows, from their earliest days, with the best and the brightest
Whether it be sport fields, sailing regattas, evenings at the MET,
They are in the spotlight, trained in the classics, articulate, prep school attired,
Prepared for positions of prominence, wealth, and power

Others come from humble beginnings such as Abe Lincoln ,
Home schooled or blue collar graduates of public high schools
Of superior intellect, drive, and circumstance
They appear out of no where ( which of course is not the case).

Then there are local prophets, magi from the East.
Often times of modest beginnings
Who come to positions of leadership by helping the poor
Mentoring businesses, sweating over hot stoves at County Fairs
Taking time to listen to those needing advice
All without recognition of the media or the electorate
Reverently spoken about over kitchen tables, campfires of the homeless,
At the Yacht Club and corporate board rooms, all know and honor him.

Then our dear friend passes away and it is time for the church eulogy
They come by the hundreds.. the poor ..those who slept in cars and under
bridges, who ran afoul of the law, mayors and politicians, successful business people
whom he mentored:
Some dressed in Nordstrom finest: others in stained and dirty flannels, shoes dirty with
muck and grime,

The church air was an amalgam of French Perfume combined with the sweat of
roofers and Mexican day laborers
All scrunched together in the tiny church , thigh to thigh, commonly sharing their tears, but more telling
Sharing their love and affection.. looking hesitantly at each other
But knowing in their hearts that this one man of Nordic heritage changed the lives of so many..
From that lineage of the few we meet who are Christ like, or Ghandi like, or Mother Theresa like
He moved among us all: a person of staunch principles, he moved churches, governments,
and the selfish among us by the sheer
power of his faith, values, and personality.

He sleeps now in the cold ground overlooking this hamlet.
Approaching his gravesite, there is an aura, an undefined air,
A voice from the protecting trees tells all that here lies a special person,
A messenger from God, who helped us all to listen and most of all.. to act.