Odorless, colorless, tasteless.

Sometimes there is a chill, other times frothy heat.

Skin crawls, foreheads sweat, thighs tingle.

Faceless, yet the visage is familiar.

With a smile, it permeates the soul.


Choices, this mystic provides the human side of us all with choices.

Messages are unspoken, so why do we understand

each and every nuance? Every phrase, every entendre?


Unexpected, unplanned, unwanted, our inner voice posits itself at our footstool

when we are strong, weak, vulnerable, protected, asleep or in the noonday sun.

Alone or with others.


Clothed in the garments of familiarity,  choices are often mundane, ordinary, familiar.

Decisions seem easy – yet there is this nagging sense that there are subtexts

to what is behind door A. 

Down the road, there are opportunities and rewards; risks and demise


Life  choices which impact who we are and who we will become.

Familiarity clothed in the people with whom we associate, business relationships,

Organizations we join, people we choose to be our friends.

Ethics we choose to espouse  to follow or ignore.

Choices. Conscious choices made one step at a time along life’s path.

Choices. Some non refundable: unchangeable: life altering.

Choices are made consciously ( subconscious choices – not an ingredient).

Choices – Are you prepared when the next messenger comes visiting?


Selecting employees for supervisory, management, and leadership positions is a fascinating journey.
The same holds true if you are considering forming a business partnership.
What characteristics do you look for?
• Personality Compatibility
• Technical Expertise
• Sharing the same vision.
• Ethics
• Morality
• Mutual friends
• Capability to get along with others
• Financial Stability.
Absolutely – each one of these characteristics is worthy of exploration. Some would say these are
But gee, an individual can also be a solid performing follower with the above characteristics.
What is left out of the above listing of essentials? A question which is overlooked primarily because of the 1st two items on the list (personality – we really get along well together) and (technical expertise – they bring a essential tool kit of knowledge)? In the evaluative minds of many interviewers this combo translates, sometimes erroneously, into – leadership. The person across the table has all the attributes of a “ natural leader”. It’s so obvious, I can tell in my gut that this person is a leader – I just know it.
Ok – how do you know it? Intuition? As the well worn bromide goes – “the proof is in the pudding”.
A pertinent question for the candidate ? What is a leader ?—no, here you might received an academic or “ down to earth” descriptor . Good information but not what is needed.
The onion which needs to be peeled – is this person a Leader??
• What type, size, organization have they led?
• What quantifiable successes can they cite?
• Their demonstrated philosophy of leadership.
• When did they 1st know they were a leader? How?
• Specific examples of team building.
• Types of employees with whom they work the best/least?
• Failures as a leader.
• What leadership skills do they bring to the table?
• What characteristics are they looking for in a leader?

With mentoring and coaching leadership skills can be honed and developed. It is true that abilities can
be developed wherein and individual with no previous leadership skills can transition into a position
requiring those talents. Many of these individuals have some prior formal or informal leadership
A caveat. In many ways, leadership is a type of natural selection. Followers gravitate to those who
lead. Whether on the playground, classroom, social club, identifiable leaders and followers emerge.
The risk of hiring someone into a leadership position without a proven record, is significant. The
nuances of successful leadership are complex. They are learned overtime. This is not like learning a
software program where the variables are identified and solutions finite. Empathy, communications,
trust , delegation involve skillful interpersonal skills.
Leadership experience is a valuable teacher which can be measured in the breadth , depth, complexity
and success of involvement . Years in the “job of life” is differentiated from chronological age. Quality
of leadership is a necessary ingredient as is quantity.

Leading to higher ground