Inevitably, inexorably, indescribably  father time

controls the clock of life… counting down our time

On this earth until the chimes strike midnight.

For some, the final stages of existence begin with

a societal imposed marker we call “retirement”.

Hello, America !

65 is not a universally mandated  shutdown age.

Approaching 65 can be  a foreboding signature.  What happens when we meet

that milestone? Will the grim reaper appear at our door

step ready to tell us “how many years we have remaining?”

Planners, journalists, pundits, seers of all types market the

concept that we need a “plan”, a vision, some defined pathway

for our golden years.

Society  conditions some to think their mental faculties will

Immediately disappear: that they  better run to the pharmacist

to begin using the little blue pills: that the world will consider them



, used up trash.  These get translated into

“ what will I do with my time that continues to reaffirm my self worth?

Inner Peace Awaits

A sense of gray foreboding overshadows the psyche.

A second group ignores the signposts which say “dangerous curve ahead”,

or “slippery when wet”…. They disregard  flashing lights on the horizon and

continue with their journey.  This hell bent for election group mutters

about  turning 65 . But they are not about to give up being snow birds, their

BMW’s, and fine wines.  Identifying a plan to which they commit is

a type of prison sentence –an admission that life will end in a time and

manner beyond their control.

A constant theme within those in this transitional demographic is the presence

or lack thereof .. of self satisfaction and inner peace.

The pessimists (the world is going to end) and the idealists (I can maintain this

lifestyle forever)  are both searching.  Most pessimists have spent their

adult life looking in the rear view mirror romanticizing the past.  The idealists

search for  a future – the present is never good enough and the future is ill


 Prepping for retirement – inner peace is one of the  foundation stones.

Those described  in the two scenarios above are thrashing about for calmness,

a sense of purpose and happiness.  Inner piece cannot be created magically

over night when  one reaches the magical 65 milestone.  The good news –inner

peace is a process  which can be enjoyed over an entire lifetime.  A process

which is the direct opposite of giving up, being lethargic, or milling about in

the swamps of hopelessness.

 This is the proverbial journey—