Without trust love is not possible? Or without love there is no trust?

Without trust love is not possible? Or without love there is no trust?

According to Wikipedia, from a psychology standpoint, “ trust is believing the person whom you
trust to do what you expect.
Such a simple sounding word – trust: only 5 letters. One syllable.
So difficult to build, so easy to destroy.
Trust levels are injected into our psyche systems with the 1st two years of our lives.

Wow! What does that say about packing days old babies into parkas on a cold , snowy Wisconsin
morning, slinging them into the car: then dashing through the cold, into a sociological melee
we euphamistically call “ Daycare”? Hmm- wonder what Is going through their little minds as regards
Oh wait – there is more: the end of the 8 hour survival camp arrives with mom taking the child to
McDonalds for a nutritious meal while she shares “quality time” with her fiancee otherwise known as
her shacking up boy friend. Count the elements of trust in that paternalistic paradigm!

Sorry, I got side tracked.

A long time business associate recently did an end run and undercut me.. All those years of trust,
bonding, etc teetered on the edge of the bridge, wavered, and collapsed into the cold Fox River.
The proffered excuse “ I didn’t think about it”.. just more salt into the wound. An apology – delivered,
well kind of.

Causes me to meditate on the elements of trust.
I had a boss in Poland, Dr. Gail Schoppert. A brilliant educator, humorist, actor, and
a “ I’ve got your back” guy. He embodied trust in the sense that hewas always, meaning always,
be there to defend his staff, and students, against the slings and arrows of erroneous assaults.
Gail never talked about trust, or team work, or kumbaya relationships,.
His trust actions spoke volumes and mirrored his value systems. I wonder what the 1st two years of his
life were like at home? Day Care – I doubt it.

A parting query : So without trust love is not possible? Or without love there is no trust?

Trust - A learned gift