When: September 1958

Where: Downtown Salisbury North Carolina

Who: 2  freshmen college guys walking down the sidewalk –coming towards them on the

sidewalk – 2 young black men

What happened:  the black men walked off the sidewalk on to the street

What else – the Greyhound bus station has a water fountain for “whites only


Where  – Beaufort  South Carolina

Who- Young professionals  enjoying the beauty of the river walk and nearby restaurants:

  • Mixed race couples strolling comfortably- no stares or comments targeting them

What – Upscale book store in Beaufort – Sizable collection of non fiction  publications:

Section on American History includes – Civil War  – not “ WAR BETWEEN THE STATES:

  • Catholic Church in Hilton Head South Carolina – One of the Eucharistic Ministers is

African American

Amazing changes in a generation. 

Even more amazing is the reinforcement of the value of travel, interaction with those

outside of the cocoon in which we live and work. Contrary to a popular bromide- “ people are

not all alike.  We do not have the same values, evolve from the same culture, carry forth the

same belief systems.  Thank Goodness.  Diversity is  complex, indeed  fascinating and

a generator of the kalidescope of imagery found in the classic photo montage book “ The Family

of Man”.

Southerners have a wonderful habit of saying hello, or giving a smile and a nod to all

those who cross their paths.  Skeptically I wondered if this was a sincere greeting or

merely a habit.  The greeting is truly an invitation to pause, take a moment, pass the time

of day.. and most significantly .. to establish a dialogue.   What a gift if we take advantage

of this outstretched hand.

 Social media and mass news networks are invaluable sources of information.  Emails are a

short hand method of conversation.

What do these conveyors have in common? They are void of emotion and eyeball contact.

 There is an absence of  rubbing elbows, face to face contact, observing others, and

actual conversation.  Evaluations, perceptions, testing realities versus perceptions through

the eyes of third parties are filtered with the history and biases of the messenger.

What is missing is the honest, guttural, in your face feedback that comes with

conversational dialogue.  It is easy and convenient to hide behind keystrokes and edited

video images.

Today’s challenge is to take a risk.. Talk with ( as compared to) a stranger OR someone whom

you have a tenuous relationship. 

Reflect and enjoy  – examine who you are, what you think, and where you came from.  Let the

Journey begin. A new world awaits you .