One our nation's greatest aircraftThe unmistakable gutteral  roar of propeller driven  airplane engines

Grew louder, as these workhorses flew closer.

Not a movie, nor a dream, the sound, the roar is part of America’s DNA.


Cloudy, overcast, a replication of the long ago skies of Northern Europe.

Hidden, protected, the planes approach – somewhere above the cloud bank..


Clouds cast a grey blanket, then open for a few moments.

We can hear them, but where are they? Who goes there?

 Who breaks the silence of rural America?


The clouds answer the query and part for a  few moments.

Majestic and proud, these gladiators of the sky trundle  on

 carrying the memories of daring young heroes who would give the ultimate sacrifice.

Seven decades and counting – how the pages of history inexorably  turn.


We stand in the yard remembering the leather head coverings, the A on the jacket,

 and watch humble with crooked neck and searching eyes in silence . Whence they fly?

Our fathers generation  flew in these cockpits over Dresden  with flack left and right.

They helped make the  Furher hide in this death  bunker.

The flyboys who risked it all.. and made their country proud.

As Tom Brokaw named them “ The Greatest Generation”.


Humbled, respectful we are as these patriotic air travelers  cross overhead.

A seamless transition from air borne machines to living reminders  of victory

 sacrifice, and the saviors of western civilization.


One more time – “ God Bless America”.