What’s the word

What’s the word? The perfect word?

Into the Thesaurus, Wikipedia, Google, the search…

Writing to pay homage, to reflect days passed

Writing to capture emotions never shared.

A burden silently carried.


A picture of my mother carried across

Continents, and around the world

Posited in a simple frame, she looks

Down upon me from everywhere, for all times


The good times, smiling at each other, an eternal

Communion of “ I love you”, audible in the desert, the Alps

and home again in Pennsylvania. Other times, as she lay

on her death bed, frail, suffering, her soft penetrating eyes,

Mom says , “ Bob, I am tired of fighting”. The unspoken cuddle

With God saying “Take me home, I am at peace”.


The dawn rises, God in all heavenly splendor

Granting another day, another hour, another minute. the  candle is lit,

Coffee warm: Mom’s picture survey’s her progeny’s tiny domain.

Day’s of joy, laughter, and the love of my wife’s divine

Days when the search for the right word to express an emotion, concept, idea

Serene, sublime, ridiculous